RedX Magazine: PAPER EMPIRE stirs things up at MIPTV in Cannes

PAPER EMPIRE stirs things up at MIPTV in Cannes

A version of this article was published in RedX Magazine.

“BREAKING NEWSPAPER EMPIRE stirs things up at MIPTV in Cannes Published 1 week ago on April 20, 2023By Luis Jorge Rios
MipTV was taken over in full force by Hollywood with the star studded cast of “Paper Empire,” the scripted TV show written and directed by creator Robert Gillings.

Paper Empire follows crypto into its dark universe. Laurence Fintch, played by Robert Davi, wants to be the planet’s savior and will stop at nothing till he sits on this throne. However, he soon learns that he is the centerpiece of an international conspiracy and that his digital technology has been unleashed. His attempt to corner the world banks spirals out of control, bringing forth a Financial Armageddon.

At Annex Beach in Cannes, the fabulousevent celebrating Paper Empire was a glorious sight. Magnificent marquee letters spelled out the show’s name in the sand, with the backdrop of the sea and stars. The trailer played on the big screens, and the DJ played a combination of hits and original music from the show. Gold Bitcoin coins filled jars around the room, and shiny gold nuggets decorated the tables, giving the event an even more abundant feeling. An Oscars style red carpet led the celebrity cast and guests down the stairs of the entrance to a grand red carpet where the press had gathered to capture the cast supporting the show.

The show’s creator, director, and star, Robert Gillings, was surrounded by his supportive cast, who had come to Cannes from Los Angeles, Tampa, and Italy to be there with him as Paper Empire debuted at the MipTV 2023 market. Robert Gillings Productions set up its booth at the Palais des Festivals, Cannes, where it welcomed buyers and press to look at the show’s trailer and discuss with one of the show’s producers, William Heming, the inner workings of the show and some sales. Buyers and press flooded the market, from all around the World.”

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